Ticket Offices


Ioanou Theotoki 132


Local Port of Igoumenitsa


Gaios, Paxos

Contact Form

Contact us regarding the improvement of our services and to resolve any possible issues.

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Terms of Use

Purchase Tickets

You are on the webpage of KERKYRA LINES, VAT 997914982, AKTI MIAOULI 25, 18535, PIRAEUS, TAX OFFICE SHIPS OF PIRAEUS.

The ticket can be purchased in the following ways:

  • Via this website, up to 1 hour before the scheduled departure time.
  • From the offices of KerkyraLines.

Attention: The ticket is individual, non-transferable and only valid for the trip and seat issued.

Ticket change

Change of Electronic Ticket issued through this website.

Ticket changes are possible up to one hour before the scheduled departure.

Specifically, depending on the date / time that the change process takes place, the following applies:

  • There is no charge for ticket changes up to 1 hour before the scheduled departure time of the ship.
  • In less than 1 hour from the scheduled departure time of the ship the ticket change is not possible.

In case that the percentage of discount has changed, the additional charge will be incurred, during the change process.

The process of changing an electronic ticket can only be made through this platform and only once for each reservation. In case you want to change your e-ticket, go to the “Retrieve Tickets” link and follow the instructions.

Cancellation of Electronic Ticket

  • Cancellation of online ticket issued through this website

Cancellation of online ticket issued through this website is possible up to 12 hours before the scheduled departure.

Depending on the date/time the cancellation request is made, the following apply:

  • For cancellations up to 7 days before the scheduled departure time, 100% of the ticket fare is refunded.
  • For cancellations up to 12 hours before the scheduled departure time, 75% of the ticket fare is refunded.
  • For cancellations less than 12 hours before the scheduled departure, there is no refund.

Online ticket cancellation can only be made through this platform. If you wish to cancel your online reservation, please click on the link “Retrieve Tickets” and follow the instructions. All refunds are being made to the card which was used for the payment, within 6 business days.

Recording of Passengers

“According to European Union Directive 98/41, as incorporated into Greek law by Presidential Decree 23/1999, as amended and in force, for every passenger ship departing from a Greek port and covering a distance of more than 20 miles from the departure point, the following information shall be recorded: passenger last name, first name or initial letter, gender, age or indication for age category, as well as any information voluntarily provided by the person in relation to the special care or assistance he/she might need.
During the electronic reservation and/or ticket issuing, passengers must check the accuracy of the details on the ticket (date, time, itinerary, ship, identity information, etc.) and not receive it in case of incorrect information.
The transfer of the ticket without the approval of the carrier or the ticket issuer is prohibited.
Passengers, during the electronic reservation or ticket issuing, must provide accurate identification information, contact telephone number and e-mail address, so they can be informed by the carrier in the event of delay or cancellation of the ship’s route. In case the passenger does not wish to disclose any contact information, this is registered in writing by the issuer in the Electronic System for Booking Seats and Issuing Ferry Tickets.
In case of electronic reservations, passengers fill out their contact information on the relevant online form.

Fares - Discounts

“Passenger tickets and proofs of vehicle transport include the gross fare, which constitutes of the net fare, third party charges (fees, bookings) and VAT.
The categories of persons entitled to a discount on fares are detailed in MD 3324.1/01/13 of 15/7/2013), as amended and in force. Passengers must enter their details during the reservation and before the ticket issuing in case they are entitled to a discount, by showing the necessary supporting documents.
Children up to 5 years old travel free of charge and book a zero-fare ticket.”

Boarding Procedure

“Passengers must:

  • board the ship half an hour before the scheduled departure time.
  • bring their vehicles in the designated space 1 hour before departure.
  • show their ticket and necessary supporting documents in the event of a reduced fare during boarding and checking.
  • not remain in the ferry’s parking garages. Drivers are excluded, upon entering and exiting of their vehicles from the ferries.

In the case of a person with a disability or reduced mobility, to inform the ticket issuer or carrier that he or she needs assistance, at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the trip, and be at the predetermined point at a specified time not exceeding sixty (60) minutes before the scheduled departure time of the ship. Moreover, upon booking, he/she must notify the carrier of his/her specific needs for accommodation, seat or required services or the need to bring along any medical equipment.
If a passenger with a ticket arrives late (up to the scheduled departure time), they are not entitled to a refund.”

Ferry Scheduling

The services of Kerkyra Lines are provided alternately by the following ferries: “KERKYRA EXPRESS”, “AGIA THEODORA”, “CORFU SPIRIT”,”NIKOLAOS”, “ANO HORA II”,  “ALKINOOS”, “KERKYRA”, “MENEKRATIS” and “EVDOKIA”. Ferry scheduling may change according to the needs of passenger traffic. For more information on scheduling, you may call at 26610 81808.


“Passengers are entitled to carry hand luggage weighing up to 50 kilos, without paying any special fare. Passengers with reduced mobility are entitled, without paying any special fare, to carry, in addition to their luggage, any equipment or aids required for their autonomous movement, regardless of weight.
If the luggage is delivered for storage and proof is issued, the carrier shall not be liable for any damage or loss of luggage on board.”

Loss of Ticket

In case of loss of ticket or proof of vehicle transport, passengers must purchase a new ticket. If passengers declare in writing the loss, stating the date of the trip, the itinerary, the number of both the lost and the new ticket, and if after checking the Consortium records it appears that the lost ticket was not used and was not replaced within six (6) months from the date of travel, then passengers are entitled to a new ticket of equal value to the one lost.


The Consortium’s passenger ships have specially designed spaces for pets, where they have to stay throughout the journey. Exceptionally small pets are allowed to accompany their owners to passenger areas, provided that they are transported in special baskets/ cages or wear a muzzle and are vaccinated.

Safety Onboard

“Passengers must:
– comply with the instructions of the ship’s crew related to the quiet, orderliness, cleanliness and safety onboard.
– comply with the ship’s regulations, and the instructions of the captain and crew.
– not carry explosive, flammable, incendiary and generally dangerous substances.
– not dump garbage onboard or at sea
– place bulky luggage or other objects in special areas, so that passengers are not obstructed in the ship’s corridors.
– not place luggage or other objects on the seats.
It is clarified that in high speed boats, it is not allowed for passengers to stay in open deck spaces during travel.”


“Any complaint during the trip may be directed to the designated officer of the ship and after the trip to the ticket issuer or the Consortium or the port authorities, in accordance with the provisions of the relevant legislation.
Passenger rights in case of delays (departure-trip), trip interruption, trip cancellation, loss of connection etc. apply as detailed in L. 3709/2008, as amended and in force.”

Cases of non-application of passenger requirements

No claim may be made for the delay, interruption, cancellation or modification of a service, due to public order or safety reasons, in particular due to adverse weather conditions, in the application of the provisions of law or orders of the Competent Authority in general, and in particular to assist ships or persons at risk or for any approved modification of the scheduled service related to emergency services or the public interest.

Copyright 2018–2025 Kerkyra Lines. All rights reserved.

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